Palmball 2v2: Cross-Train with Palmball. Improve your Game
Well-rounded athletes cross-train with Palmball. The drawbacks of sports specialization are well-documented, and adding Palmball to your routine helps prevent overuse injuries, enhances motor skill development, and combats burnout. Mix it up and incorporate Palmball into your practice—your body will appreciate the break from repetition, and your athletes will enjoy the change of pace.
Every point, every game, you’ll be sharpening the core skills essential for success in your top varsity sport.
#Hand-Eye, #SoftHands, #FastEyes, #FastHands, #BallTracking, #CourtAwareness, #Footwork, #Teamwork #Quickfeet
Palmball 3v3: The Ultimate Cross-Training Sport for Varsity Athletes
Well-rounded athletes incorporate Palmball into their training routine. The risks of sports specialization are well-known, and adding Palmball helps prevent overuse injuries, boosts motor skills, and fights burnout. Break up the monotony by mixing Palmball into your practice—your body will thank you for the change, and your athletes will love the fresh challenge.
With every point and every game, you’ll be fine-tuning the core skills needed to excel in your primary varsity sport.
#Hand-Eye, #SoftHands, #FastEyes, #FastHands, #BallTracking, #CourtAwareness, #Footwork, #Teamwork #Quickfeet
Palmball Starter Kit